CPS SafeInd supply a range of A-SAFE products, the world’s first fixed, flexible, polymer-based safety barrier system.
This product line is utilised in industrial workplaces across the world. A-SAFE barriers are flexible on impact and absorb the impact energies and reform to their original state.

A-Safe Product Brochures:
Bollard 200 Product 2pp UK
Bollard Guardrail
IFlex High Rail 4pp flyer
Micro Double-Rail iFlex Barrier product sheet
Micro iFlex Barrier product sheet
Micro Low Level – 2pp.pptx
Pedestrian +3 iFlex Barrier product sheet
Pedestrian Handrail +2 iFlex Barrier product sheet
RackEnd Double-Rail iFlex Barrier product sheet
RackEnd iFlex Barrier product sheet
RackGuard product sheet
Slider Plates product sheet
Swing Gate product sheet
Traffic Double Rail Plus iFlex Barrier product sheet
Traffic Double-Rail iFlex Barrier product sheet
Traffic iFlex Barrier Product Sheet
Traffic Plus iFlex Barrier product sheet
View A-Safe products in action:

If you have any queries, feel free to call or email us with the Contact Form.